Posts tagged Planning
The Truth about Social Media from a Social Media Manager

Social media can be overwhelming for most everyone. There are so many platforms and changing algorithms and pay-to-play strategies starting up, oh and don’t forget everyone else telling you what you should be doing. #allthethings are loud and out of control. But it doesn’t have to control you or stress you out. In this post, I’m giving you my 4 key points to growing your social media in an organic and comfortable way. Notice I didn’t say easy. It won’t be. But that’s okay.

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Year One Case Study: How a Morning Routine Impacts Your Business

Here's the thing that I think trips up most entrepreneurs...or should I say the ones who work from home - our schedules. Most of us had to be at school by at least 8:15am for years (1st-12th grade), then some of us went to college and got to choose our own schedule, and then we may have started out working a 9-5. My last job started each week with staff meetings and had 2 monthly large office meetings. I had bosses I reported to and clear objectives for each week. But then all that changed. 

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2017: July Recap + August Goals #powersheetscheckin

I need to admit that I didn’t even write these goals until the 13th or 14th of the month. I was on vacation the first week and had every intention of doing my Powersheets in the mountains like in months past, but that just didn’t happen. There was a large part of me that wanted to just skip July’s pages, and jump to August. I’ve got a lot of ideas for August, but I also believe in laying a solid foundation, so I gave myself some grace (which I’m learning a lot about on multiple levels), got my favorite take-out, and started working through the July Powersheets.

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The Easiest Way to Manage Your Business Each Week

Today's post is all about how I'm implementing my Momma's laundry schedule into my business. Seems a bit odd, right? Well, my Momma was the queen of organization - with 4 kids 3 and under, she had to put systems into place in order not to go crazy. Her laundry system is just one of the many that we implemented to relieve the stress and overwhelm in our busy household. I want to share it with you so you can do the same in your business!  

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Biz Tip: Batch It Out

So what does "Batch Day" even mean? Its the day you get all your work or tasks done. Sit down one day and write down all the things you need to do for that month (or the following month). Then pick one day where you have a good chunk of free time and just start tackling that list. Batch it by project too! Do you write better in the AM and can crank out those graphics later in the day? Then do it! Don't stop and start different things on Batch Day. Get it done. | The Social Walker Agency

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Biz Tip: Set a Plan

Now that you've decided to start, regardless of which platform you choose, you need a plan. The first thing I tell clients is to think of your end goals. Is it just the number of followers or likes? How will those goals impact your business? 

Really think about those two questions. The answers will determine where you put the energy in your business. Nothing just happens without at least a little bit of effort. Creating goals is great, but without purpose and actions - goals are just words that you may or may not have written down. | The Social Walker Agency

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