2017: July Recap + August Goals #powersheetscheckin

2017: July Recap + August Goals #powersheetscheckin  |  The Social Walker Agency

I need to admit that I didn’t even write these goals until the 13th or 14th of the month. I was on vacation the first week and had every intention of doing my Powersheets in the mountains like in months past, but that just didn’t happen. There was a large part of me that wanted to just skip July’s pages, and jump to August. I’ve got a lot of ideas for August, but I also believe in laying a solid foundation, so I gave myself some grace (which I’m learning a lot about on multiple levels), got my favorite take-out, and started working through the July Powersheets.

July Goals

Monthly Goals

Group Hangout

I've been praying about a way to grow community here in Atlanta for the age range of about 25-37ish. There seems to be a disconnect in some areas between singles and marrieds with no kids. I like to say "we want to do what college kids do, but at like 8p instead of 10p!" Haha but really. A few friends and I have some ideas planned for September but I wanted to start small now. 

There was a Needtobreathe concert after the Braves game one Sunday and I invited several groups of people to go as a group. It actually didn't work out as planned (at all) but I got to spend extra time with my new roommate and so I think it ended up really well. Also, the Braves won and the concert was amazing. 

Be on Time for Church (4x)

I serve at church every other Sunday and have to be there at 7:30a but for July, they asked us to be there every Sunday if we could. I normally get there around 7:35/45 and really want to be better about getting there on time or even before. This month, I actually had the opportunity to do this 5 times but I was out of town one Sunday, so I set the goal at 4times. 

The first Sunday, which thankfully was my "off" Sunday, I way overslept. I did freak out a little and start feeling really guilty, but I'm also learning to accept grace and give myself grace, so I text my leader and she said it was totally fine and to enjoy just attending the Gathering, so that is exactly what I did. No guilt here. The next 3 Sundays I was there right when I needed to. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK!! 

OTF (8x)

I have an 8 class package to Orange Theory Fitness that runs from the 11th to the 11th. I have yet to hit all 8 within that time frame, although I have hit 8 in one calendar month. I've decided to reward myself with new workout clothes once I do!

As of posting this (Aug 2nd), I've gone 5 times. So I have to knock out these last 3 soon!


  • Write one note to a friend (4) - this is a typical goal for me every month, and its the one I fail at the most! As in, I have yet to do it more than once all year. I'm bringing it back for August because I want to make it a priority.  - 0 checks
  • OTF (2x) - the goal is to go 2x a week to hit the monthly goal of 8.  - 2.5 checks 
  • Meal Prep - I was gone the first whole week of July and did better at this in July than June. But for only about 2 weeks - 2 checks
  • Check Finances - I'm trying to be better about staying on my budget, so I've been checking in on my budget on Fridays. Which is great, but I have to also stick to it during the week. - 3 checks (for logging spending)
  • Monday Prayer - A few months back I started praying through my week on Mondays. I got this from Jess Connolly who would take Mondays, go walk on the beach, and just pray over that week and talk to God about worries, fun things, etc. So I start with these three categories "Right Now, Last Week, This Week" and get out good, bad, ugly, celebratory things that are in my heart. I write in black and leave room to come back and write praise to Him for things in green and then answers to prayers in red. - 1 check
  • Marketing - I keep wanting to get a head with my content but am not doing as great as I would like. 1.5 checks


  • Clean Kitchen - I have this goal as a way to serve my roommates. I think I did pretty great in July!
  • Take Vitamins - I've got to be better about this! 
  • Bible Study - My morning routine has been a bit off this month due to some traveling, but here's to getting back on track in August!
  • Clean Room - this just didn't happen.

I need to admit that I didn’t even write these goals until the 13th or 14th of the month. I was on vacation the first week and had every intention of doing my Powersheets in the mountains like in months past, but that just didn’t happen. There was a large part of me that wanted to just skip July’s pages, and jump to August. I’ve got a lot of ideas for August, but I also believe in laying a solid foundation, so I gave myself some grace (which I’m learning a lot about on multiple levels), got my favorite take-out, and started working through the July Powersheets.

2017: July Recap & August Goals #powersheetscheckin  |  The Social Walker Agency

August Goals


Plan  / Host a Community Night

Same reasons as above. Building that community, digging and growing roots. 

Get Passport

This was a goal for a few months back and I still haven't gotten one. This will get done ASAP. 

OTF (all 8)


*These are pretty much the same!

Create & Maintain My Business "Laundry List" / Marketing

Read more about this here.

Monday Prayers 

Budget Checkins 

One Note to a Friend

OTF (2x)

Meal Prep


*I've already missed each of these on day 1 except the kitchen because I was out of town. Gosh, did I really need that Starbucks yesterday??

  • Bible Study 
  • Lemon Water
  • Vitamins
  • Clean Kitchen
  • No Extra Spending!


What are  you biggest goals for the month? I'd love to read in the comments below!