Posts in Business
Finding Balance is an Exercise in Prioritizing not a Juggling Act

We aren’t clowns so we don't have to live in a circus. Yes, our lives will always be busy (why do we always default to that description of our lives?), but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a sense of balance and normalcy to our lives.

In my opinion, getting your priorities in order helps balance out the scales of life and while creating routines allow you to function when life gets extra "busy". When you actually prioritize your commitments and items on your to-do lists, balance beings to become a reality.

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Put Your Boss Pants On

Working for yourself at home can seem really exciting when you dread going into your day job. But ask anyone who currently works from home and you’ll discover that it’s not all champagne, roses, and cha-chings. Running a business takes a lot of work and it honestly doesn’t matter if you’re a business to business or a business to consumer model. There’s a lot of things around the house to distract you and a lack the accountability that comes from working in an office for someone else. This post is going to get a little saucy but also provide you with ways you can be successful at home.

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Year One Case Study: From Freelancer to Business Owner

One thing I heard (and still hear) so much from entrepreneurs was that they had family and friends who were NOT supportive of their business ventures. I did not (and have not) ever experience this when I started my business. As I look back over this last year I wanted to figure out why. Most of it has to do with my family being so entrepreneurial in general, and how my parents raised us, but I think there are some other things that I've done that have played into this as well. This post gets real honest towards the end, but I hope you also find it encouraging.

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Year One Case Study: How a Morning Routine Impacts Your Business

Here's the thing that I think trips up most entrepreneurs...or should I say the ones who work from home - our schedules. Most of us had to be at school by at least 8:15am for years (1st-12th grade), then some of us went to college and got to choose our own schedule, and then we may have started out working a 9-5. My last job started each week with staff meetings and had 2 monthly large office meetings. I had bosses I reported to and clear objectives for each week. But then all that changed. 

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Year One Case Study: Systems that Run My Business

When you’re starting your new business, there are so many things out there to buy, learn, and start and all of that can get quite overwhelming. How do you know which systems you actually need and which ones you can get by with the free version of? I’m giving you a list of my most used tools to-date in my business and which ones you need ASAP. None of these are affiliates because I have no clue how to do that so #nopressure to sign up for any of these!

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Year One Case Study: Getting My First Clients

When my first client hired me in March of 2016, I had no idea that in August I would be handing in my two weeks notice and be running The Social Walker Agency full time that September. No idea. What started as a way to learn the world of online business (after my first attempt in 2015 failed), quickly became something altogether different. In the video at the bottom of this post you’ll find the first three things I recommend doing in order to start your business. But today, I want to break down a few other areas to help you kick-start your business.

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The Difference between having a Gym Membership and a Personal Trainer

I had already planned on writing this post with the overall same idea, and then Nicole from Nicole in Bold gave me the idea to focus more on the personal trainer side of it than just the OTF color zones.  The video is a brief overview of today's blog, and the blog goes more in-depth with strategies and ways you can implement them. For me, accountability plays a huge role in my life and in my business. 

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Biz Tip: Batch It Out

So what does "Batch Day" even mean? Its the day you get all your work or tasks done. Sit down one day and write down all the things you need to do for that month (or the following month). Then pick one day where you have a good chunk of free time and just start tackling that list. Batch it by project too! Do you write better in the AM and can crank out those graphics later in the day? Then do it! Don't stop and start different things on Batch Day. Get it done. | The Social Walker Agency

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Biz Tip: Set a Plan

Now that you've decided to start, regardless of which platform you choose, you need a plan. The first thing I tell clients is to think of your end goals. Is it just the number of followers or likes? How will those goals impact your business? 

Really think about those two questions. The answers will determine where you put the energy in your business. Nothing just happens without at least a little bit of effort. Creating goals is great, but without purpose and actions - goals are just words that you may or may not have written down. | The Social Walker Agency

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