Posts tagged Entrepreneur
Finding Balance is an Exercise in Prioritizing not a Juggling Act

We aren’t clowns so we don't have to live in a circus. Yes, our lives will always be busy (why do we always default to that description of our lives?), but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a sense of balance and normalcy to our lives.

In my opinion, getting your priorities in order helps balance out the scales of life and while creating routines allow you to function when life gets extra "busy". When you actually prioritize your commitments and items on your to-do lists, balance beings to become a reality.

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The Truth about Social Media from a Social Media Manager

Social media can be overwhelming for most everyone. There are so many platforms and changing algorithms and pay-to-play strategies starting up, oh and don’t forget everyone else telling you what you should be doing. #allthethings are loud and out of control. But it doesn’t have to control you or stress you out. In this post, I’m giving you my 4 key points to growing your social media in an organic and comfortable way. Notice I didn’t say easy. It won’t be. But that’s okay.

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Year One Case Study: From Freelancer to Business Owner

One thing I heard (and still hear) so much from entrepreneurs was that they had family and friends who were NOT supportive of their business ventures. I did not (and have not) ever experience this when I started my business. As I look back over this last year I wanted to figure out why. Most of it has to do with my family being so entrepreneurial in general, and how my parents raised us, but I think there are some other things that I've done that have played into this as well. This post gets real honest towards the end, but I hope you also find it encouraging.

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