3 Ways to Build Genuine Relationships with Entrepreneurs Online

3 Ways to Build Genuine Relationships with Entrepreneurs Online  |  The Social Walker Agency

Have you ever wondered how all those entrepreneurs in Facebook groups just seem to know each other already, like really well too? Does it feel like they’re getting all of the comments from each other on their Instagram or even hanging out online together without you? I used to feel way that myself, and so today I’m diving into 3 ways you can build these types of relationships too!

TLDR; Video at the bottom :-)

1. Only follow those who you really want to follow.

This may sound a bit harsh, but if I look at someone’s feed or what they’re pushing to facebook, and don’t think I can learn from it I won’t follow them back. If they’re not asking questions or just putting up a photo, I don’t need that taking up mental space or feed space. Why is that? Well it leads to tip 2.

2. Engage authentically with those you do follow (and no, a smiley emoji doesn’t count).

If we want people to comment or like our stuff naturally, then we have to give it back to others naturally and authentically. If you have people taking up space in your feed that you don’t connect with, ask yourself why and then either start engaging or remove them. We all love a growing number of likes, but what we really want is for people to listen to us and comment back right? The old saying “you’ve got to be a friend to have a friend” still applies to the online world. Go be a friend to someone and comment on their stuff!

3 Ways to Build Genuine Relationships with Entrepreneurs Online  |  The Social Walker Agency

3. Don’t always go for the sale when you engage online.

One way I built my business (and still do) is just by offering help or advice when people ask for it. Generally when people are asking for help online, they don’t always want a sales pitch. They mainly want a quick answer or just a bit of free advice. If I’ve got the time to be spending scrolling through Facebook, then I have the time to answer a few questions. They’ll start recognizing your name and then when you post, you’ll get answers to and maybe a client down the road. It’s all about that “know-like-trust” thing. Get them to know you by helping them out with their problems. I sent out about 5 emails to potential clients one time this way, but just offering advice about how I do things in my business. We’ll see if any of them become clients, but now I’ve at least built relationships with 5 people and can start getting to know them before they become clients.

None of us want to do this alone, right? We need each other. So don’t sit back and wait for your people to come to you. Go to them and initiate the conversation. Don’t you feel so great when someone reaches out to you first? Give someone that feeling today!

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