Powersheets: What are they and why I love them.
What are Powersheets?
Powersheets* are a product by Cultivate What Matters that help you get down to what really does matter in your life. You map out your 1 - 5 - 85 year goals. It helps you process what works for you (meal prepping on Sunday) and what doesn’t work (not meal prepping on Sunday, haha) and how to create habits and rhythms in your life to achieve your goals. They also teach you how to think of your goals in Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily categories. I used to think all major goals had to last a year and then come up with little goals along the way. But in reality, some goals are truly seasonal, and it is so very helpful to think in terms of seasons.
Why I love Powersheets.
For me, Powersheets* help me tackle big, one time goals (like cleaning out my storage unit so I can stop paying $170/mo - which I did in Sept 2021!), and daily habits like reading my Bible, getting in bed by 10…I mean 11pm…among others. They also encourage me to think back over each month to see the growth and gratitude from that month. Slow progress is still progress!
Going back to planning in quarters or seasons, I’m single without kids, but as a wedding planner, I know when my months are going to be slammed. That’s probably not the best time to train for a 5k (or honestly, it may be the best time haha). So I love that they encourage quarterly resets so you can change up the goals for the seasons you’re in!
*These are affiliate links.