Hallmark Review: The Santa Stakeout (2021)

Yikessssss..this one is not a favorite at all. I love Tamera Mowry and was glad to see her in a Hallmark movie. I’m not sure how many she’s been in, but I had such high hopes. The male lead isn’t a favorite, but he’s a good actor so I generally like his movies (I like him in the Last Bridesmaid).

I almost changed this one, but kept watching so I could give it a full review. The storyline just did not keep my attention. It was beyond cheesy and had barely any romance. It was just kinda added in there to be “hallmark”. I don’t know if they weren’t feeling each other, but I wasn’t feeling it.

Overall rating: 🌲

With these two, and the storyline, I felt it could have been a lot more comical if it wasn’t going to be lovey-dovey.