Book of Mark Bible Study: Week Two
I should have linked this last week, but if you're wanting to start the Mark Journey yourself, you can find all of the info here.
Diving into Week 2
Day 1 - Mark 4:21-41
Several times in this passage (vs. 34 & 40) we see that Jesus explained everything to them and they still didn't fully understand. I also imagine that they have the Scriptures like we do and think "gosh, why don't y'all get it?" But the reality of it is two-fold: 1. Sometimes we aren't ready to fully understand and the Holy Spirit is still revealing it to us little by little and 2. We just aren't really paying attention. Lord, may my spirit always be in tune with Your Spirit so that I will understand what it is You're telling me.
Day 2 - Mark 5:1-20
vs. 14
"Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened."
This man needed a miracle to get the demons out of him. But in order for him to be healed, pigs (someone else's pigs / livelihood) were essentially sacrificed as they ran off the cliffs and drowned. Reminds me a little bit of the scapegoats and sacrifices made in the Old Testament. But back to Mark. We need healing as well, and it cost Jesus His life to heal and to save us. There will also be times when it may cost us something - whether time, money, talents - in order to be freed from some of our chains and bondage just like this man.
Day 3 - Mark 5:21-42
vs. 28
"because she thought, 'if I just touch His clothes, I will be healed'."
Y'all, her faith right there is what I strive for, but fall so short many days. She knew if she could just get a piece of Jesus, He would heal her. I've got all of Jesus - the whole entire Bible, the Holy Spirit, access to the Father without a priest - yet, sometimes I still doubt what He can do for me. Oh Lord, increase my faith to match this woman's faith.
Day 4 - Mark 6:1-29
vs. 20
"because Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man. When Herod heard John, he was greatly puzzled; yet he like to listen to him."
When I read this verse my mind said "What?! Herod admitted to liking John? Since when?!" We may never know how what we say influences someone. Everything we do and say should always point to God the Father so that others may come to know Him (Matthew 5:16 -
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.")
Day 5 - Mark 6:30-56
vs. 41
"Taking the 5 loaves and the 2 fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to His disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all."
My takeaway from this verse comes from Mark Batterson of The Circle Maker. I've recently finished the book and am on Day 11 of the journey (same day as Week 2 Day 5 of Mark). He pointed out that Jesus gave thanks for the miracle before it even happened. He didn't ask God to make it feed the 5,000; He thanked God for it feeding the 5,000. We / I need to start giving thanks for the answers before I even have them.
Mark Batterson also points out in vs 48 that Jesus has a bit of a fun-loving personality as He "was about to pass them by," as He walked on the water. He knew they'd frighten and He was getting a kick out of it. Mark B says that sometimes we get so caught up on Jesus' character, that we forget to look at His personality. Interesting thought.
Day 6 - Mark 7:1-23
vs. 8
"You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions."
I love traditions, especially holiday and family traditions, and they're not necessarily bad. In fact, they have been what has bonded my family and friends so tightly together. But when it comes to traditions of the faith, we have to be so very careful not to put them above the actual commands of God. I was talking about this with my
mentor about how its not even about what God calls / commands us to do, it is more about our heart and our obedience rather than the act itself. But we can (myself, especially!) get this backwards. You know that whole "being a Martha" thing.
Day 7 - Mark 7:24-37
vs. 37
"People were overwhelmed with amazement. 'He has done everything well,' they said. 'He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.' "
My question for today - Do I truly believe that in every aspect of my life He has done everything well? Hmmm...that can be a tough one to answer. So I'll leave off at that.
Thanks for joining in again this week! Are you reading along with us in Mark?