2017: October Recap + November Goals #PowersheetsCheckin
Tracking my goals this year has been huge for my life and my business. I love being able to see the progress that I've made, even if small, in order to grow this business. It may seem a little silly to be a big fan of a product, but I just love using Powersheets.**
**I use Powersheets to help keep track of all of my goals. I recently became an affiliate with them, so if you're interested in purchasing your own set for 2018, feel free to use my link to check them out.
October Goals
Okay, so most of October ended up centering around my 21 day challenge and then client work. That said, let's dive into my real progress!
Host 21 Day Challenge
This took up a majority of my 'free' business time. I encouraged my challengers to spend the first hour of their working day on their business - and they did an amazing job! But for me, that hour was spent on the challenge. It was hard for me to run this challenge (I did LIVE videos every week day - probably won't do that again) and to keep up with client work and add more of my stuff. I do love spending an hour a day on my business so I will keep that up, but I needed to make more space in my schedule to add the challenge.
Plan October Content & Execute/Schedule
I put out 3 blogs in October - less than what I wanted, but I just felt super burned out with content this month.
Plan November Content
Someone linked to the website answerthepublic.com in a Facebook group and it totally helped me gain some clarity for content in the coming months. I also worked with my girls Reina and Trena for a Black Friday treat for you (Social Brief subscribers get all of the juicy details first!).
Record 2 Videos - This just did not happen this month - see content burn out above. Oh wait, I did record live videos every weekday during my challenge - can I count that pretty please??
Write 2 Blogs - I posted a total of 3 blogs in October. Not the best, but not the worst.
Send 1 Brief - 3/5 - not too shabby.
Post to IG - This did not happen this month either. The days / weeks that I had blogs and content went well. But again #contentburnout hit hard this month and I just needed some brain space.
November Goals
I'm headed to Spain...TOMORROW! So one of the reasons I didn't focus on a lot of my content in October was trying to get way ahead on client work so I won't have to stress this weekend. You'll see how this plays into my monthly goals a little bit and at the time I'm writing this, I am soooo close to being a week+ ahead for all of my clients.
Content Strategy Through January
So you know how I was talking about having #contentburnout, well there's nothing like having crickets one month to push you to get ahead. I know that I need to continue to put out some great content, even if less than normal (especially with the holidays) if I want my business to still be here in 3-6 months. I'm currently enrolled in Trena's Youtube Bootcamp and have been brainstorming a lot of new content ideas and how to make them work for me. I can't wait to see what progress I make on this in November!
Client Work Through Trip (by November 9th)
I can already update you on this one! For most of my client work, I am already through until November 15th! I try to work as far ahead as possible, but sometimes the best laid plans just don't work out. Which is fine - I'm human, and my clients have lives too. So we make it work. But I know I will be so excited when I land on Monday that I can just start working on Thursday's tasks and then even the week of Thanksgiving and after. Most of my clients aren't pushing out new content the full week of Thanksgiving, so really I'll be able to get even further ahead!! Wahoo!!
*I'm taking my goal back down to prepping 1 content per category per week to give myself some breathing room and some grace for not getting it done last month.
Write 1 Brief every Friday
Write 1 Blog*
Record 1 Video*
My Business Hour
I mentioned earlier that my goal for my challengers was to spend the first business hour each day on their own business and not client work. Sometimes this isn't actually the first hour, but at least one hour per day. I call this "My Business Hour". This will be the time I spend working on my laundry list, content planning, scheduling social, finishing courses I've started, recording videos, writing Briefs, etc. I know this will be huge for my business so this is the only daily thing I'm focusing daily for this month.
What goals do you have for this month? How do you track them?