Back to Writing
(photo: WeTwo)
It feels so good to sit down and write again. Write for me, and for you, and for Him; not for business or clients. I'm still working through some stuff on the post I drafted a few months back about Momma, but I think I just need to get back to writing regularly and let the feelings flow.
So let's recap some of my year so you'll know what's coming in more detail in the next few weeks. I had already been dreaming big for 2017 before December and it served as a reminder that I need to pursue my dreams as hard as I could as long as they continued to honor God.
A while back I discovered these things called "Powersheets" and originally I thought they were a little "out there" & "woo-woo" but realized it is really a type of planner that revolves around meaningful life goals and not just a daily schedule. Lara Casey has an amazing heart for women and living lives that are intentional and full of purpose. When you lose someone close to you, you begin to take stock of what really matters in life and what our ultimate purpose is in being here to serve the Lord.
*these are not affiliates
Photo by: WeTwoPhotoVideo
I ordered the 6 month set last year, but didn't use them to the fullest extent. For Christmas, I asked for the 12 month version and Momma & Daddy got them for me. We spent New Year at our place in North Carolina, and I took some time to really look at my life and what my goals are - what I want my life to truly be about. I have some overall goals that I then take and break into monthly, weekly, and daily goals. For example - "Healthy Living" would be an overall goal and then a weekly goal would be "working out 2-3x week" and then taking vitamins daily. I'm all about check boxes and love being able to see how I'm creating new habits (hello, 6:30am Bible study time!) and how they've helped me keep moving forward in life without Momma. -- I also use Emily Ley's planner because I am pretty forgetful and need things laid out an organized. And Santa had it monogrammed for me this year!! (Daddy couldn't figure out why I needed two planners, but apparently he forgot I'm his daughter and need to write everything down - haha!)
So here's a brief overview of life lately:
New Year's in Cashiers, NC
Passion Conference
Celebrating Momma's Ministry at Church
Celebrating Momma's Birthday
The Falcons play in the Super Bowl
I turn 27...a very hard but good day
College friends take annual trip to Cashiers
Girls' trip to D.C. for the half marathon I was supposed to run
One year at BHLDN
Women's Life Fellowship Gala
Momma and Daddy's Anniversary
Celebrating Cameron's Birthday
My best friend's baby turns 1
Braves Baseball
There's definitely been a lot of traveling back and forth to SC / NC these past few months (my car had 7 miles on it when I bought it in June of 2014; it just hit 40,000 this weekend). So I've had a lot of one-on-one time with God and listening to lots of podcasts - I'll do a post on all my favorites.
A lot of celebrating has gone on these past few months, but that doesn't mean we don't miss Momma. Everyone handles grief differently, even in our own family, but the two biggest things I want to share right now are
1. God can handle every single emotion we send His way - sorrow, grief, anger, depression, joy, laughter, tears, sucker-punched-air-knocked-out-of-you - all of it. It comes in waves, but just keep turning to Him. He can handle it all. (More on this coming soon)
2. Our family - immediate and extended - has remained super close, and for that I will forever be grateful. We are fully aware that our family dynamics are so rare these days as our extended family is closer than most and divorce is not something we've experienced much on any level grandparents and down. We continue to hold fast to the love and friendship that God has given to both the Walkers and the Stiles families.
I've also been reading a ton of books this year as part of one of my Powersheets goals. Here is a running list with detail reviews and notes coming soon.