#StyleMeNovember (Days 22-24)

Day 22: All About Eyes

We had Thanksgiving with Momma's family this day. In the past few years my family has gotten more into skeet shooting. I am actually a pretty good shot, and you need your eyes for that so here are some skeet pictures. 
The Guys
Me & The Guys
Little Brother - Cameron, Older Sister - Amanda, and Big Brother - Clarke

But here are a few of my favorite eye products!
{most are Clinique!}
I use mostly Clinique because it works. The eyeshadows don't crease when used alone, but I try to use a touch base for eyes as well. It is a foundation for your eyes. I also color my eyebrows. Full post on my beauty routine coming soon! 

Day 23: Boots Made for Walking

I tend to not pay a lot for my shoes because I love shoes. I would rather have shoes for just about any outfit than to wear an outfit with shoes that just 'go' because I only have a few pairs. Does that make sense? Payless tends to be my place of choice to buy shoes, but I also check department store sale racks. These boots have been worn down to the nail, and will permanently become my field/shooting boots after I get new everyday boots. 

I'm really picky about my boots, so it is taking me a while to find a new pair. And I know this next pair may need to be a more quality pair. 

Day 24: Put a Belt on It

I own one belt. And I use it out of necessity and not out of decoration. I think back on when wearing big bulky belts at the waist was totally in (in middle/early high school) and I cringe. So I basically only wear a belt when necessary with jeans, or sometimes with a dress. 

This was what I wore on Day 12, and the belt was borrowed from J. 

**All photos are edited with Instagram & Squaready :-)