Monday Musings: Mississippi Trippin' & Blessings

Top: Season, Laura,  and I are finally together!!
Bottom Left: Laura and her hubby Daniel - Sunday afternoon walk
Bottom Right: cookies for dessert and breakfast! coffee sleeve from their wedding

This time last week I was on my way home from Clinton, Mississippi (can you say ADORABLE small town?!) with one of my best friends from college. We spent all weekend with one of our other roommates and her new husband. They got married this past September in a beautiful barn-side wedding. After college I wondered which friends would I stay in touch with and if things would be the same between us once we didn't all live together. But let me just tell y'all something, the people the Lord has placed in my life before, during, and after college have blessed my life in so many ways.

Getting to spend several hours in the car with one of those amazing people, and then seeing the Lord's love in a young married couple - what a blessing. I could brag on my family and friends all day long, but y'all would probably get tired of it. They all challenge me, help me grow, and pick me up when I'm down. Psalm 1 tells us to walk not in the council of the wicked & Proverbs 18:24 tells of us One who sticks closer than a brother. I'm so thankful for old friends and new, and always my family.